Sunday, 25 September 2011

Exams? Tests? Copy! Really?

   Remember when you were a student? And I'm talking about school times; specially during exams or tution tests. I'm sure everybody has copied, or atleast tried to copy a few times. So you'd know how that used to be..
   Presently I'm having the chance of observing it all- the sideway glances looking sly, fidgeting, playing with pen, scratching head/ear, playing/smoothing hair, signals for giving answers, watching the supervisor, looking randomly when caught, making very thoughtful face- apart from writting of course, I can see it all. Since I've taken up supervising tests in a tution as a kinda weekend job, I enjoy my experience each time I'm at it! Let me tell you about the fun..There are basically 2 classes- the 11th grade and the 12th grade. This furthermore gets divided into Boys and Girls.
   The 11th grade boys are actually pretty obvious when they try and copy, although they can be perfect little monsters at times, nicely creating a commotion so that the otherss get their chance, and then grinning at me as if nobody could be more innocent than them! Charming brats. When I confront them with a raised eyebrow( I love doing that LOL) and a questioning look, they have the cheek to ask me what happened! As if they don't know what they're doing! Whereas the 12th grade boys just shrug, giving a message that they couldn't care less and go right ahead and do what they want....well, untill I take away one's paper or throw somebody out; then they'll behave...both graders for that matter!
   The 11th grade girls oh so sly! And quick too. Initially I thought they're the sincere ones calmly writting the paper. But after being more attentive( pure curiosity!) I realised that they're just smarter than the boys! Don't mind saying I'm proud to be a girl haha! But if I consider the 12th grade girls, I can't be so sure. Oh sure they're smart. But so full of attitude! God! One would think they're doing me a favour writting their paper. Sparing me the one over look when they enter, they couldn't care less what I told them if they try to copy. Although now I've got the hang of handling them so it's fine. Initially it was a kinda bit scary...I don't appreciate attitude, rest alone bad attitude problem!
   All in all, I do let give all of them enough chances before I give the warning, take away the paper or throw them out. Silent copying ain't disturbing anybody, right? As long as it's not disturbing the class, it is ok sometimes. Hey!after all I was a student like that too!:)


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