Sunday, 28 August 2011

Talking Photographs/Pictures!

   It is said that a painting can express more than words. True. I say even a picture can say a lot- if looked at properly. The person/people in the pic are interesting to study. The face, I mean. The expression, the emotion- if looked carefully as I said. And the best part is the eyes.
  I have this habit of observing eyes, of people I know, or even random people. But it's kinda rude to randomly stare at people just because to observe their eyes. So I find that pictures are best way to do so. Of course, not as effective as seeing in real, but it works most of the time for me.
  I have another habit of first checking out the thumbnails of profile pictures of the people online when I sign in on Facebook. I check the name of the of the pic which intriuges me the most. Most of the times it matches perfectly with the person's personality. And pro pics generally give the general idea of the current state of that person. This again needs careful looking or more likely observing. And that demands patience. The most difficult thing to have, especially when needed. Even I, somebody with truck load of patience, sometimes find it difficult to summon my patience when I really, really need it. But I manage most of the other times.
   And so, with patience like mine, it is easier n interesting to observe whatever I want. Just like the pro pics. And when the pic doesn't match with the person, I go the proper pic and really observe. I always get some or the other idea about why he/she must have set that particular pic only. But mind it, there are very few pictures like that that I get really interested about. Because I'm talking about the genral face normal pro pics that most people keep. Oh, don't worry I'm not some crazy person that stalks profiles and stares at photographs all day! It's just a thing I like to do sometimes, specially I'm seeking some answers to some questions/problems. It helps...sometimes:)
  Because there are so many unsaid things, ignored or hidden emotions, misunderstood thoughts, hurt, happiness, fear, anger, mischief...etc that the eyes convey even when words don't. Specially in the randomly clicked pictures,totally taken off guard. That's the moment what is going on in the mind gets refelected in the eyes. The strongest or the most vulnerable moment. Eitther way it says a lot.
   So try it sometime, when you are in a state of hanging on to your patience, because I'm not giving any examples! It is something to be experienced, not just told. As for my pro pic, my eyes are not seen in it, which means that maybe I don't wanna reveal what's in my mind currently! But one can always try to guess;)



  1. "even i,someone with truck loads of patience"....????!!!!!nails!!!!meow!!
    lolzz jokes apart....sure m gna try tis...definitely mes sense!! :) <3
